Welcome to Havant Wing Chun!
The science of close quarter combat. A martial art for body, mind and well-being.
Our Mission
We aim to empower individuals through martial arts by fostering discipline, confidence, and respect. Our mission is to create a welcoming environment where everyone can thrive.
We teach the Sifu Cliff Au Yeung method exclusively.
Meet Our Instructor
Sifu Jim Woodcock brings a wealth of experience and knowledge to the school. He is committed to guiding his students on their martial arts journey, ensuring each individual reaches their full potential.
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What is Wing Chun?
The science of close quarter combat. A martial art for Body, mind and well-being.
The Basics of Wing Chun
Wing Chun is the martial art and skill of close-quarter fighting. But Martial Arts must provide much more than just fighting skills. Wing Chun must become a way of life.
The skills you will learn will vary from basic striking methods to a complete understanding of how you move your body in relation to the forces you get from an opponent or partner. We cover power generation from a physics standpoint, making Wing Chun truly accessible to any person regardless of age, build, or temperament.
Personal Develpment
We learn how to listen to what your and your partner’s body are doing at all times and convert this feeling into the most simple and direct way of returning an attack without using bodily strength or physical prowess.
These contact skills make Wing Chun a unique learning challenge and one that can be understood easily but will keep you interested and engaged for a lifetime. So yes, you will be learning how to fight but Wing Chun will give you life skills that you will use way beyond its Martial Arts aspects.
No Need for Gradings
Classes are relaxed in nature and you will never be pressured into doing something you are uncomfortable with. To be good at Wing Chun you need to listen, relax and hone in on what your body is telling you. Once these skills are absorbed you will begin to express your Wing Chun in your own way, whether that be fighting, health, fitness, or self-defence.
Your progression through the system is graded on a personal level, not via a manual or book. We stick to an old mantra: "it’s not how senior you are but how good.” You only need patience and dedication to learn the martial art of Wing Chun.
Sifu Jim Woodcock
A brief rundown of my history in the martial arts
My martial journey, like many others, started with Taekwondo, but about 3 years into my training I became interested in the current trend of making martial arts work “on the street,” spearheaded by Geoff Thompson and many others. So I had a look around to see what other martial arts were available locally and came across Sifu Alan Gibson's Wing Chun Federation.
I immediately went for my first private lesson with Alan and we hit it off straight away. I continued to receive private training for about 6 months and then joined Alan's class in Southampton. I totally fell in love with Ving Tsun.
I still receive tuition from Sifu Alan Gibson and we have regular “Coaches Training” sessions with all the clubs from the Wing Chun Federation.
Realistic Development
My development in reality based martial arts continued when I found out that Urban Combatives Founder Lee Morrison was teaching a 4 hour workshop once a month in Southampton. I went along and found everyone there, especially Lee, to be absolutely and it was a baptism of fire.
To further my self protection knowledge I attended the workshops every month for about a year and also attended two seminars hosted by Lee. I also attended many other seminars with world class coaches such as Jamie Clubb, Tony Somers, Matty Evans, Iain Abernethy and Al Peasland.
Sifu Cliff Au Yeung
After meeting Sifu Cliff in 2011 I was awestruck in the amount of knowledge and understanding he had regarding Wing Chun. What made his system different was its understanding of internal force and excellent footwork and mobility. So after continuing my training with Sifu Alan Gibson who had also taken Sifu Cliff as a mentor, I began refining my own knowledge.
And after another eight years of bringing Sifu Cliff to the UK for seminars and private tuition I began to teach the Cliff Au Yeung Method with full approval or Sifu Cliff himself. HVT are now the only club in the UK qualified to teach this method.
Contact Us
Begin your Wing Chun journey today!
THE STRIDE CENTRE, Daffodil Way, Havant PO9 2FT.Monday and Wednesday 8pm til 9:30pm07758 117905Mission Statement
At Havant Wing Chun we focus on the following:
Teaching Quality Wing chun
Understanding the requirments of modern Self-protection
Making freinds and enhancing the lives of our students
How do we achieve this?
I have studied under Sifu Alan Gibson for over 15 years and the Sifu Cliff Au Yeung method for around 10 years. In this time, I have devoted my time
to understanding the Wing Chun system from a technical perspective with the emphasis on how to teach the system correctly and systematically.My influences of real-world self-protection comefrom many influences such as Lee Morrison, Jamie Clubb, Iain Abernethy, Ritchie Grannon, and many
others. Over the last 15 years I have attended countless seminars, workshops and classes with some of the UK’s leading exponents of Combatives and Reality Based Self-Protection systems. And even though self-protection is not our primary goal at HVT we will always strive to keep things real.At HVT UK we welcome everyone. As long as you train hard, listen, be polite and aim to improve yourself with each lesson taken, you will become one of
our family. I honestly believe that Wing Chun can be a life changing activity.Start your journey now.
We do not teach sport fighting
At Havant Wing Chun we have no interest in teaching or practicing any kind of combat sport. The reason for this is I have no experience in sport or competition fighting, either as a fighter or a coach.
It is my personal belief that Wing Chun works best as a mind body system with application that are more suited to self-protection and self-defence. The only reason that myself or one of my students will be using what we learn in class will be to protect ourselves or others from an assault. This will not be a fight situation. Just a one-sided, asymmetric, pre-emptive or counter assault.
Sport fighting does not address real-life self-protection aspects such as threat awareness, fear control, adrenal response, post violence aftermath. We take all of these subjects seriously at HVT.
Come and try for free!
So if you want to give Wing Chun a try please use the contact form or click the button below to arrange your FREE LESSON!